Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Moon / Solar Eclipse / Global Prayer Wave


We have another powerful time of potential for change happening tomorrow, July 11th at 1:40 pm, MDT (12:40 pm in Arizona)… the New Moon in Cancer, with a Total Solar Eclipse (not visible here, unfortunately). It’s a great time to focus shared intention and prayer for our planet.

At this eclipse, it is imperative that we expand our personal view of home to include our planetary home and become globally conscious of our Mother as a living being insuring that she receives the respect, honor and love she needs to heal the imbalances that humans have visited upon her. The focus of a Cancer Moon points to sending healing prayer and intention into all the veins and arteries of the planet - the rivers, streams, lakes and seas that hold the watery, life-giving fluids of the planet…..

One way to focus intention is to align with the Global Prayer Wave. I like the way the intentions for this prayer wave are stated.

I hope you will join me tomorrow at noon and/or at the time of the eclipse in prayer, song, toning, or meditation – whatev comes from your heart.

Shakura Cathryn
"Our task is to chant the world, chant the beauty. The world is a reflection or our chanting." ~Billy Yellow, Navajo healer.
"Let us sing the world back into the very Heart of the Holy Name of God." ~Deena Metzger, Prayers for a Thousand Years

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